Introduction to S.L.I.M.


For any fitness condition, any age. This is for the PDF document(s) and the access to the video presentation. This is not the program itself but is packed with information about why changing your metabolism is important and how to do it.

There is enough information in this product to get started on your path. If you want personal guidance, fitness training, and nutrition coaching, there are other products available as well. What you get in this product, Intro to SLIM, is powerful, inspiring, and enough to let you know you can do this!



SLIM means

Sharp – evidence is strong that the activities and nutrition utilized in the program can lead to a clearer mind and even a better positive mental attitude.

Lean – my belief and evidence is that a healthy body being fed healthy foods will adjust to its proper weight. With the help of a little physical activity, that body can become lean and trim.

Immune – all it takes is a few minutes of research to see the health benefits of improved fitness. While I make no claims of medical miracles, there are many who do.

Mobile – or we could just say “younger feeling”. Joints, muscles, balance, agility, and other factors affect the quality of life at any age.

Powerful – it goes without saying that working out improves strength. While not everyone wants to be a Herculean bodybuilder, everyone benefits from getting a little stronger.


SLIM & Powerful

If you are just ready to get more information, simply scroll to the contact form near the bottom of the page.

This newly adapted program is fully customizable to you. It begins with a brief conversation between you and I. That conversation can be on the phone, web conference, chat, email, or in person. What I always want you to be is comfortable with me and what we are doing together.

Hopefully it will help you to know that I created this program for myself over 10 years ago and it has worked for me as well as others and I am certain it will work for you as well.

What it does not require (but can include if you want):

– a gym membership
– starving yourself (not even if you want)
– thousands of dollars worth of supplements
– hundreds of dollars worth of exercise equipment
– giving up meat or wine

What it does require:
– a true desire and commitment to better yourself
– patience for it to start working (but you will see changes very quickly)
– perseverance when it stretches you a little more than you thought you could to (I won’t over work you too much!)
– 100% honesty with yourself and your Trainer (that’s me)

What results you might expect:
– a clearer mind due to eliminating brain fog
– less joint pain by identifying and eliminating causes of inflammation through diet and motion
– greater flexibility and range of motion (ROM)
– restored sleeping patterns resulting in more energy
– clearer and younger skin
– quite possibly reduction in allergy problems
– better balance through core strengthening
– healthier hair and nails
– the big one you thought I wasn’t going to mention, weight loss

What is is:
SLIM +P is a combination of physical activity, nutrition information, and recognized methods of relaxation designed to achieve the goals you have in mind. I do my best to work within your parameters to make sure you actually will see results and remain committed to your renewed fitness.
The program is in three phases of 6 weeks each.
Phase 1 is the reset phase. This is where most people experience the greatest amount of chance. It is also where you discover things about your body and life.
Phase 2 is the rebuilding phase. During this phase we focus on things like strength, balance, and stamina
Phase 3 is the refining phase. This is the time you should be teaching me about yourself. What we want to see during this time is for you to be feeling good, looking good, and sharing what you have discovered with others.

18 weeks of retraining your body and your brain.
18 weeks of discovery about your self.
18 weeks to experience a renewed you.

Are you ready?

Total cost is $360 when paid in full or $25 per week.

What that includes:
– your initial consultation 30 minutes one-on-one either in person or video conference
– your Initial Fitness Evaluation (IFE) which also can be done in person or virtually (virtual may require a couple of small purchases of items used to take measurements
– a physical fitness plan designed specifically with you in mind based on your physician’s input (if any), your IFE, and the goals you made for yourself in our conversation
– nutritional guidelines based on science and evidence provided through reputable sources
– weekly video conferences or in person meetings to examine and review your progress
– my cell phone number to text me with questions during regular business hours
– a PDF copy of the book SLIM and Powerful when it is ready
– open invitation to all Tactical FWN local events (where possible they will be live streamed)
– full access to the ClubTFWN member’s only areas of this website for 12 months
– and more!

But the first thing you have to do is to contact me…


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