Here’s a table representing the nutritional values for some of the most common vegetables consumed in the United States, listed in alphabetical order. The nutritional values are approximated per 100 grams, and the average quantity per 100 grams is estimated based on typical serving sizes of each vegetable.

Asparagus5-7 stalks203.
Bell Pepper1 medium204.
Broccoli1-2 florets346.
Carrot1 medium419.
Cauliflower1-2 florets254.
Cucumber1/3 medium153.
Eggplant1/5 medium255.
Green Beans10-12 beans317.
Kale2-3 leaves498.
Lettuce2-3 leaves152.
Mushroom4-5 medium223.
Onion1/4 medium409.
Peas1/4 cup8114.
Potato1/3 medium7717.
Spinach1-2 cups233.
Sweet Potato1/3 medium8620.
Tomato1 medium183.
Zucchini1/2 medium173.

This table provides an overview of the average nutritional content for various common vegetables, helping you to understand and compare their values. Vegetables are crucial for providing essential nutrients, and incorporating a variety of them can help ensure a balanced and healthy diet. Remember, the actual nutritional content can vary based on factors like vegetable size and preparation methods, so these figures should be used as general guidelines.

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