Tricep Dips are a compound bodyweight exercise that primarily targets and strengthens the triceps brachii, the muscles on the back of the upper arm. This exercise can be done using parallel bars, a bench, or even the edge of a sturdy chair, making it a versatile addition to a strength training routine. Below, I’ll explain how to perform Tricep Dips, their benefits, and when to include them in your fitness routine:

How to Do Tricep Dips:


  • You can use parallel bars, a bench, or a sturdy chair for this exercise.


  1. Position your hands on the parallel bars, bench, or chair with your palms facing down, fingers gripping the edge, and your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your arms should be fully extended.
  2. Step your feet forward, creating a slight bend in your knees, and keep your feet flat on the ground.
  3. Lower your body by bending your elbows, ensuring they move backward, not out to the sides. Keep your torso upright, and avoid leaning too far forward.
  4. Continue lowering your body until your upper arms are parallel to the ground or your triceps are fully stretched.
  5. Push through your palms to extend your arms, returning to the starting position. Straighten your elbows fully, but avoid locking them at the top.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Why we do Tricep Dips:

  1. Tricep Development: Tricep Dips primarily target and strengthen the triceps, helping to tone and build muscle in the back of the upper arm.
  2. Functional Strength: Strong triceps are essential for pushing movements in daily life, such as pushing open a door or lifting objects.
  3. Enhanced Upper Body Strength: Including Tricep Dips in your routine can contribute to overall upper body strength and balance.

Muscles and Joints Involved:

  • Primary Muscles: Triceps brachii (the three-headed muscle on the back of the upper arm).
  • Secondary Muscles: Chest and shoulders are also engaged to a lesser extent.
  • Joints: Elbows and shoulders are the primary joints involved in this exercise.

When to Perform Tricep Dips:

Tricep Dips can be incorporated into your strength training routine based on your fitness goals and program design:

  1. Frequency: Depending on your overall workout plan and tricep development goals, you can perform Tricep Dips 1-3 times a week. The frequency depends on how you structure your training.
  2. Volume and Sets: Aim for 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions for hypertrophy (muscle growth). Adjust the number of sets and repetitions based on your training objectives.
  3. Order: Tricep Dips can be included as part of an upper body or arm-focused workout routine. The order of exercises within your workout plan can vary based on your preferences and training goals.
  4. Warm-Up: Always perform a warm-up before engaging in resistance exercises to prevent injury. You can do light cardio and dynamic stretches to prepare your muscles and joints.
  5. Progression: As you become stronger, you can make the exercise more challenging by adding weight, increasing the number of repetitions, or performing more advanced variations.
  6. Safety: Ensure you maintain proper form and technique throughout the exercise to avoid unnecessary strain on your shoulders or wrists.

It’s essential to consult with a fitness professional or trainer if you’re new to strength training or have any concerns about your form to perform Tricep Dips correctly and safely.

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