Nutrition Response is Personal

No two people are exactly the same

Friend: Let me tell you about this great new diet!
Me: No thanks. I'm good.

Reality doesn't need to hit hard as long as it is reality. One reality is that nutrition is 80-95% of what makes "the struggle real". Most of us want to be fit and healthy. Individuality plays a major role here in the definition of fit but not in the definition of healthy.

I have long said a healthy body will find its fit. When we provide our body with the optimal nutrition, activity, and occasionally soon supplemental assistance, it will find where it wants to be. Over the years and through plenty of classes, study, and real world experience, I have come to understand that there are 6+ billion variations of the human body: everyone is an individual.

Society gives us many examples of what fit looks like and none of them are accurate. Every human has their own uniqueness based on their genetics, personal preferences for food, choice of physical activities, social impact, and mentality. We can only control what we can personally affect and that is what we should focus on to strive to attain our personal level of good fitness.

Science gives us a foundation of nutrition to build on. What your body does with it is very personalized. Hormones, current physical conditioning, and state of mind are three major influence on how you respond differently to the nutrition you intake.

Let this be an encouragement to realize that you are different from everyone else. You can eat the exact same thing, do the same exercises, get the same amount of sleep as someone else and you turn out differently. So let's stay on this journey together, keep looking for the right solution for you, and find your fitness!

Updated: July 16, 2024 05:54

Category: Nutrition

Keywords: diet nutrition


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